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Day in the Life

You can learn a lot about a man from looking at his schedule. Here's mine:


I want my mind active for all the reading and writing I plan on doing, so I wake up at 5:30 a.m. and work out for an hour. Abs are made in the kitchen, so it’s a protein rich, dairy-free breakfast for me. By 7:30, I’ve already started my morning devotional which consists of a prayer, reading, and a lot of meditation. Put God first, and you’ll never falter, so they say. (I said that.) After my walk with God, I write until the Muse stops whispering in my ear. That’s a humble 2500 words. (Barely 500 more than Stephen King.) Next is some light reading of Fyodor Dostoyevsky. I’m reading until 5 except for a quick lunch break around 2:30. By the time I’m done reading, my brain is full of knowledge and culture. I need to wind-down and relax, so I go for a jog around the neighborhood. I greet all the neighbors by name as they ask me about my work. “I can’t talk now,” I say. “Follow me on twitter.” After another shower and shave, it’s time to go out. I hit the town visiting all the finest restaurants with ten of my closest friends. Maybe there’s a lady involved. Maybe it’s just me and the boys. After wonderful night out, I take her home. Of course there’s a lady involved. She wants me to come inside. “I can’t,” I tell her. “My work comes first. And I have to get up at 5:30.” It’s hard. She understands. I go home and I check my phone one last time before going to bed. I see a notification from Twitter. One new follower.


But I don’t follow my schedule. My day actually looks something more like this:


After looking at my phone for half an hour, I get up around 8 a.m. I do work-out and eat a good breakfast, but that probably goes to waste because of the ice cream I eat at lunch. On a good day, my word count is about 1000 words. Most of the time it’s hard to sit down and write, so if I can hit between 600-800 I still consider it a good day. I try to read from 12:00-5:00 p.m, but I’m that’s when I get my best meme ideas. I’d like to read Dostoyevsky one day. For now I’m working on all those books I spark-noted in high school. I do go for a walk or jog after I’m done reading, but I keep to myself. If I’m feeling social, I go to a friend’s house. As for a girl? Let’s just say this prince is still looking for his princess. And checking my phone before I go to bed? Accurate.



If you were to look at my schedule, I hope you would see a hard-worker. I hope you would see someone smart and self-disciplined. I hope you would see someone well-known and desired. If you were to look at what I do, you’d probably see someone who eats a lot of ice-cream and is way too addicted to their phone. But I hope you would see someone who does their best and does what they love. If you were to look at my intentions, I hope you would see someone who intends to change the world.

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